LS002 Polsini d'amore 21mm

€ 7,95
Tasse incluse
Riferimento: LS002
  • Diametro: 21 mm (incluso tacca misurata)
  • Inibitore del reflusso di sangue

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Il nostro polsino d'amore da 21 mm riduce il flusso sanguigno dal pene eretto. Dì: e sempre più duro e più grande! Devi solo mettere il polsino attorno all'albero del tuo pene e sei pronto per partire! Se hai problemi con il raggiungimento della tua erezione: è anche compatibile con le nostre pompe per il vuoto!
495 Articoli
A penis ring creates a slight blood congestion in the penis. On the one hand, this produces a harder erection and on the other, it maintains the erection for a longer period of time and delays ejaculation.
The penis ring should always be created with a little water-based glide gel. The gel makes it easier to remove the penis ring later. It should be laid out in a limp or semi-erect condition. First, the ring is pulled over the glans to the middle of the penis shaft. From there it can be pulled further to the shaft end.
The penis ring should be snug, but not so tight that it hurts. One or two fingers should still fit through the ring once it is positioned at the base of the penis. If the penis increases too much in size, this indicates a swelling and the ring should be removed immediately. The penis ring should not be worn for more than 20 minutes without interruption. If numbness and/or pain occurs, it should be removed immediately. The penis ring must be removed after use. Never fall asleep with the penis ring, as this could have unwanted consequences.
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