BP004 Pumpa za grudi Solo Cup D

€ 99,95
Sa PDV-om
Референца: BP004
  • usisna čašica Cup D prečnika/dubine 160/140 mm
  • Vakuum pumpa sa makazastom drškom (proizvodi 700 - 800 Mbar)
  • uklj. crevo za povezivanje i regulator pritiska
  • uklj. navlaku za pričvršćivanje

 Производ је сада у вашој корпи
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  In stock
Da li ste nezadovoljni obimom grudi ili želite da predupredite zdravstvene rizike? Nabavite našu pumpu za grudi Solo Cup D. Sadrži usisnu čašicu za grudi prečnik/dubina: 160/140 mm), odgovarajuću navlaku za pričvršćivanje i manuelnu pumpu sa makazastom drškom (sa crevom za povezivanje i regulatorom pritiska). Tretman čini Vaše grudi osetljivijim, čvršćim i većim. Redovnom upotrebom, mogu se postići i dugoročni efekti.
500 Kom.
The blood circulation stimulated by the use of the breast pump makes your breasts look fuller and firmer after only a short time. With enough applications, your breasts will be noticeably firmer and look more beautiful.
Before using the suction cup, apply cream on and around the breasts. Prepare the breast tissue for the vacuum treatment with a quick massage. Place the suction cup on the breast, press lightly and create a vacuum. Slowly increase the vacuum bit by bit. The vacuum will expand your breast in the cup. During application, alternately increase and decrease the suction effect (by opening and closing the pressure regulator). This will increase the amount of blood transported into your breasts and then it will flow back slightly.
Use the breast pump for a maximum of 20 minutes, making sure it feels comfortable. If the breast cup does not fit or seal well, remove it and place it again in a more comfortable and comfortable position. While you raise the vacuum, the breast may be visibly pink to light red. However, the application should be stopped immediately if the breast turns dark red to blue and / or you feel pain.
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